This module contains all relevant transform functions for the 2D case provided by the ShearLab3D toolbox from MATLAB such as the forward and inverse transform and the construction of a shearlet system.
All these functions were originally written by Rafael Reisenhofer and are published in the ShearLab3D toolbox.
""" This module contains all relevant transform functions for the 2D case provided by the ShearLab3D toolbox from MATLAB such as the forward and inverse transform and the construction of a shearlet system. All these functions were originally written by Rafael Reisenhofer and are published in the ShearLab3Dv11 toolbox on Stefan Loock, February 2, 2017 [] """ import sys import numpy as np from pySLFilters import * from pySLUtilities import * def SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels=None, full=0, directionalFilter=None, quadratureMirrorFilter=None): """ Compute a 2D shearlet system. Usage: shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter, quadratureMirrorFilter) Input: useGPU: Logical value, determines if the shearlet system is constructed on the GPU. rows: Number of rows. cols: Number of columns. nScales: Number of scales of the desired shearlet system. Has to be >= 1. shearLevels: A 1xnScales sized array, specifying the level of shearing occuring on each scale. Each entry of shearLevels has to be >= 0. A shear level of K means that the generating shearlet is sheared 2^K times in each direction for each cone. For example: If nScales = 3 and shearLevels = [1 1 2], the shearlet system will contain (2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^2+1))=38 shearlets (omitting the lowpass shearlet and translation). Note that it is recommended not to use the full shearlet system but to omit shearlets lying on the border of the second cone as they are only slightly different from those on the border of the first cone. The default value is ceil((1:nScales)/2). full: Logical value that determines whether a full shearlet system is computed or if shearlets lying on the border of the second cone are omitted. The default and recommended value is 0. directionalFilter: A 2D directional filter that serves as the basis of the directional 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is modulate2(dfilters('dmaxflat4','d'),'c'). For small sized inputs or very large systems, the default directional filter might be too large. In this case, it is recommended to use modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c'). quadratureMirrorFilter: A 1D quadrature mirror filter defining the wavelet 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is [0.0104933261758410,-0.0263483047033631,-0.0517766952966370, 0.276348304703363,0.582566738241592,0.276348304703363, -0.0517766952966369,-0.0263483047033631,0.0104933261758408]. Other QMF filters can be genereted with MakeONFilter. Output: shearletSystem: A structure containing the specified shearlet system. ["shearlets"]: A X x Y x N array of N 2D shearlets in the frequency domain where X and Y denote the size of each shearlet. To get the i-th shearlet in the time domain, use fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(shearletSystem.shearlets(:,:,i)))). Each Shearlet is centered at floor([X Y]/2)+1. ["size"]: The size of each shearlet in the system. ["shearLevels"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["full"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["nShearlets"]: Number of shearlets in the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. This number also describes the redundancy of the system. ["shearletdIdxs"]: A Nx3 array, specifying each shearlet in the system in the format [cone scale shearing] where N denotes the number of shearlets. The vertical cone in the time domain is indexed by 1 while the horizontal cone is indexed by 2. Note that the values for scale and shearing are limited by specified number of scales and shaer levels. The lowpass shearlet is indexed by [0 0 0]. ["dualFrameWeights"]: A XxY matrix containing the absolute and squared sum over all shearlets stored in shearletSystem.shearlets. These weights are needed to compute the dual frame during reconstruction. ["RMS"]: A 1xnShearlets array containing the root mean squares (L2-norm divided by sqrt(X*Y)) of all shearlets stored in shearletSystem["shearlets"]. These values can be used to normalize shearlet coefficients to make them comparable. ["useGPU"]: Logical value. Tells if the shearlet system is stored on the GPU. Right now this is ignored since no GPU implementation is done yet. Example 1: compute a standard shearlet system of four scales shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4) Example 2: compute a full shearlet system of four scales shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4, [1 1 2 2],1) Example 3: compute a shearlet system with high shear levels for small sized data using a non-default directional filter. directionalFilter = modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c') shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,256,256,4, [2 2 3 3],0,directionalFilter) See also: SLgetShearletIdxs2D,SLsheardec2D,SLshearrec2D,SLgetSubsystem2D """ # check which args are given and set default values if necccessary if shearLevels is None: shearLevels = np.ceil(np.arange(1,nScales+1)/2).astype(int) if directionalFilter is None: h0, h1 = dfilters('dmaxflat4', 'd')/np.sqrt(2) directionalFilter = modulate2(h0, 'c') if quadratureMirrorFilter is None: quadratureMirrorFilter = np.array([0.0104933261758410, -0.0263483047033631, -0.0517766952966370, 0.276348304703363, 0.582566738241592, 0.276348304703363, -0.0517766952966369, -0.0263483047033631, 0.0104933261758408]) # skipping use gpu stuff for the moment... preparedFilters = SLprepareFilters2D(rows,cols,nScales,shearLevels, directionalFilter,quadratureMirrorFilter) shearletIdxs = SLgetShearletIdxs2D(shearLevels, full) shearlets, RMS, dualFrameWeights = SLgetShearlets2D(preparedFilters, shearletIdxs) # create dictionary shearletSystem = {"shearlets": shearlets, "size": preparedFilters["size"], "shearLevels": preparedFilters["shearLevels"], "full": full, "nShearlets": shearletIdxs.shape[0], "shearletIdxs": shearletIdxs, "dualFrameWeights": dualFrameWeights, "RMS": RMS, "useGPU": useGPU, "isComplex": 0} return shearletSystem def SLsheardec2D(X, shearletSystem): """ Shearlet decomposition of 2D data. Usage: coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem); Input: X: 2D data in time domain. shearletSystem: Structure containg a shearlet system. Such a system can be computed with SLgetShearletSystem2D or SLgetSubsystem2D. Output: coeffs: X x Y x N array of the same size as the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. coeffs contains all shearlet coefficients, that is all inner products with the given data, of all translates of the shearlets in the specified system. When constructing shearlets with SLgetShearletSystem2D, each shearlet is centered in the time domain at floor(size(X)/2)+1. Hence, the inner product of X and the i-th shearlet in the time domain can be found at coeffs(floor(size(X,1)/2)+1,floor(size(X,2)/2)+1,i). Example: X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem) See also: SLgetShearletSystem2D, SLgetSubsystem2D, SLshearrec2D """ #skipping useGPU stuff... coeffs = np.zeros(shearletSystem["shearlets"].shape, dtype=complex) # get data in frequency domain Xfreq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(X))) # compute shearlet coefficients at each scale # note that pointwise multiplication in the fourier domain equals # convolution in the time-domain for j in range(shearletSystem["nShearlets"]): coeffs[:,:,j] = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(Xfreq*np.conj(shearletSystem["shearlets"][:,:,j])))) # probably due to rounding errors, the result may have imaginary parts with # small magnitude. if they are small enough, we can ignore them. otherwise # we report an error. if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(coeffs))) < 1e-12: return np.real(coeffs) else: print("Warning: magnitude in imaginary part exceeded 1e-12.") print("Coefficients are probably not real-valued. Largest magnitude: " + str(np.max(np.abs(np.imag(coeffs))))) print("Imaginary part neglected.") return np.real(coeffs) def SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem): """ 2D reconstruction of shearlet coefficients. Usage: X = SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem) Input: coeffs: X x Y x N array of shearlet coefficients. shearletSystem: Structure containing a shearlet system. This should be the same system as the one previously used for decomposition. Output: X: Reconstructed 2D data. Example: X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem) Xrec = SLshearrec2D(coeffs,shearletSystem) See also: SLgetShearlets2D,SLsheardec2D """ # skipping useGPU stuff... X = np.zeros((coeffs.shape[0], coeffs.shape[1]), dtype=complex) for j in range(shearletSystem["nShearlets"]): X = X + np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(coeffs[:,:,j])))*shearletSystem["shearlets"][:,:,j] X = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift((np.divide(X,shearletSystem["dualFrameWeights"]))))) # probably due to rounding errors, the result may have imaginary parts with # small magnitude. if they are small enough, we can ignore them. otherwise # we report an error. if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(X))) < 1e-12: return np.real(X) else: print("Warning: magnitude in imaginary part exceeded 1e-12.") print("Data is probably not real-valued. Largest magnitude: " + str(np.max(np.abs(np.imag(X))))) print("Imaginary part neglected.") return np.real(X) # ##############################################################################
def SLgetShearletSystem2D(
useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels=None, full=0, directionalFilter=None, quadratureMirrorFilter=None)
Compute a 2D shearlet system.
shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter, quadratureMirrorFilter)
useGPU: Logical value, determines if the shearlet system is constructed on the GPU. rows: Number of rows. cols: Number of columns. nScales: Number of scales of the desired shearlet system. Has to be >= 1. shearLevels: A 1xnScales sized array, specifying the level of shearing occuring on each scale. Each entry of shearLevels has to be >= 0. A shear level of K means that the generating shearlet is sheared 2^K times in each direction for each cone. For example: If nScales = 3 and shearLevels = [1 1 2], the shearlet system will contain (2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^2+1))=38 shearlets (omitting the lowpass shearlet and translation). Note that it is recommended not to use the full shearlet system but to omit shearlets lying on the border of the second cone as they are only slightly different from those on the border of the first cone. The default value is ceil((1:nScales)/2). full: Logical value that determines whether a full shearlet system is computed or if shearlets lying on the border of the second cone are omitted. The default and recommended value is 0. directionalFilter: A 2D directional filter that serves as the basis of the directional 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is modulate2(dfilters('dmaxflat4','d'),'c'). For small sized inputs or very large systems, the default directional filter might be too large. In this case, it is recommended to use modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c'). quadratureMirrorFilter: A 1D quadrature mirror filter defining the wavelet 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is [0.0104933261758410,-0.0263483047033631,-0.0517766952966370, 0.276348304703363,0.582566738241592,0.276348304703363, -0.0517766952966369,-0.0263483047033631,0.0104933261758408]. Other QMF filters can be genereted with MakeONFilter.
shearletSystem: A structure containing the specified shearlet system. ["shearlets"]: A X x Y x N array of N 2D shearlets in the frequency domain where X and Y denote the size of each shearlet. To get the i-th shearlet in the time domain, use fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(shearletSystem.shearlets(:,:,i)))). Each Shearlet is centered at floor([X Y]/2)+1. ["size"]: The size of each shearlet in the system. ["shearLevels"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["full"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["nShearlets"]: Number of shearlets in the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. This number also describes the redundancy of the system. ["shearletdIdxs"]: A Nx3 array, specifying each shearlet in the system in the format [cone scale shearing] where N denotes the number of shearlets. The vertical cone in the time domain is indexed by 1 while the horizontal cone is indexed by 2. Note that the values for scale and shearing are limited by specified number of scales and shaer levels. The lowpass shearlet is indexed by [0 0 0]. ["dualFrameWeights"]: A XxY matrix containing the absolute and squared sum over all shearlets stored in shearletSystem.shearlets. These weights are needed to compute the dual frame during reconstruction. ["RMS"]: A 1xnShearlets array containing the root mean squares (L2-norm divided by sqrt(X*Y)) of all shearlets stored in shearletSystem["shearlets"]. These values can be used to normalize shearlet coefficients to make them comparable. ["useGPU"]: Logical value. Tells if the shearlet system is stored on the GPU. Right now this is ignored since no GPU implementation is done yet.
Example 1: compute a standard shearlet system of four scales
shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4)
Example 2: compute a full shearlet system of four scales
shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4, [1 1 2 2],1)
Example 3: compute a shearlet system with high shear levels for small sized data using a non-default directional filter.
directionalFilter = modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c') shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,256,256,4, [2 2 3 3],0,directionalFilter)
See also: SLgetShearletIdxs2D,SLsheardec2D,SLshearrec2D,SLgetSubsystem2D
def SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels=None, full=0, directionalFilter=None, quadratureMirrorFilter=None): """ Compute a 2D shearlet system. Usage: shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter) shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU, rows, cols, nScales, shearLevels, full, directionalFilter, quadratureMirrorFilter) Input: useGPU: Logical value, determines if the shearlet system is constructed on the GPU. rows: Number of rows. cols: Number of columns. nScales: Number of scales of the desired shearlet system. Has to be >= 1. shearLevels: A 1xnScales sized array, specifying the level of shearing occuring on each scale. Each entry of shearLevels has to be >= 0. A shear level of K means that the generating shearlet is sheared 2^K times in each direction for each cone. For example: If nScales = 3 and shearLevels = [1 1 2], the shearlet system will contain (2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^1+1))+(2*(2*2^2+1))=38 shearlets (omitting the lowpass shearlet and translation). Note that it is recommended not to use the full shearlet system but to omit shearlets lying on the border of the second cone as they are only slightly different from those on the border of the first cone. The default value is ceil((1:nScales)/2). full: Logical value that determines whether a full shearlet system is computed or if shearlets lying on the border of the second cone are omitted. The default and recommended value is 0. directionalFilter: A 2D directional filter that serves as the basis of the directional 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is modulate2(dfilters('dmaxflat4','d'),'c'). For small sized inputs or very large systems, the default directional filter might be too large. In this case, it is recommended to use modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c'). quadratureMirrorFilter: A 1D quadrature mirror filter defining the wavelet 'component' of the shearlets. The default choice is [0.0104933261758410,-0.0263483047033631,-0.0517766952966370, 0.276348304703363,0.582566738241592,0.276348304703363, -0.0517766952966369,-0.0263483047033631,0.0104933261758408]. Other QMF filters can be genereted with MakeONFilter. Output: shearletSystem: A structure containing the specified shearlet system. ["shearlets"]: A X x Y x N array of N 2D shearlets in the frequency domain where X and Y denote the size of each shearlet. To get the i-th shearlet in the time domain, use fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(shearletSystem.shearlets(:,:,i)))). Each Shearlet is centered at floor([X Y]/2)+1. ["size"]: The size of each shearlet in the system. ["shearLevels"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["full"]: The respective input argument is stored here. ["nShearlets"]: Number of shearlets in the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. This number also describes the redundancy of the system. ["shearletdIdxs"]: A Nx3 array, specifying each shearlet in the system in the format [cone scale shearing] where N denotes the number of shearlets. The vertical cone in the time domain is indexed by 1 while the horizontal cone is indexed by 2. Note that the values for scale and shearing are limited by specified number of scales and shaer levels. The lowpass shearlet is indexed by [0 0 0]. ["dualFrameWeights"]: A XxY matrix containing the absolute and squared sum over all shearlets stored in shearletSystem.shearlets. These weights are needed to compute the dual frame during reconstruction. ["RMS"]: A 1xnShearlets array containing the root mean squares (L2-norm divided by sqrt(X*Y)) of all shearlets stored in shearletSystem["shearlets"]. These values can be used to normalize shearlet coefficients to make them comparable. ["useGPU"]: Logical value. Tells if the shearlet system is stored on the GPU. Right now this is ignored since no GPU implementation is done yet. Example 1: compute a standard shearlet system of four scales shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4) Example 2: compute a full shearlet system of four scales shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,512,512,4, [1 1 2 2],1) Example 3: compute a shearlet system with high shear levels for small sized data using a non-default directional filter. directionalFilter = modulate2(dfilters('cd','d'),'c') shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(0,256,256,4, [2 2 3 3],0,directionalFilter) See also: SLgetShearletIdxs2D,SLsheardec2D,SLshearrec2D,SLgetSubsystem2D """ # check which args are given and set default values if necccessary if shearLevels is None: shearLevels = np.ceil(np.arange(1,nScales+1)/2).astype(int) if directionalFilter is None: h0, h1 = dfilters('dmaxflat4', 'd')/np.sqrt(2) directionalFilter = modulate2(h0, 'c') if quadratureMirrorFilter is None: quadratureMirrorFilter = np.array([0.0104933261758410, -0.0263483047033631, -0.0517766952966370, 0.276348304703363, 0.582566738241592, 0.276348304703363, -0.0517766952966369, -0.0263483047033631, 0.0104933261758408]) # skipping use gpu stuff for the moment... preparedFilters = SLprepareFilters2D(rows,cols,nScales,shearLevels, directionalFilter,quadratureMirrorFilter) shearletIdxs = SLgetShearletIdxs2D(shearLevels, full) shearlets, RMS, dualFrameWeights = SLgetShearlets2D(preparedFilters, shearletIdxs) # create dictionary shearletSystem = {"shearlets": shearlets, "size": preparedFilters["size"], "shearLevels": preparedFilters["shearLevels"], "full": full, "nShearlets": shearletIdxs.shape[0], "shearletIdxs": shearletIdxs, "dualFrameWeights": dualFrameWeights, "RMS": RMS, "useGPU": useGPU, "isComplex": 0} return shearletSystem
def SLsheardec2D(
X, shearletSystem)
Shearlet decomposition of 2D data.
coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem);
X: 2D data in time domain. shearletSystem: Structure containg a shearlet system. Such a system can be computed with SLgetShearletSystem2D or SLgetSubsystem2D.
coeffs: X x Y x N array of the same size as the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. coeffs contains all shearlet coefficients, that is all inner products with the given data, of all translates of the shearlets in the specified system. When constructing shearlets with SLgetShearletSystem2D, each shearlet is centered in the time domain at floor(size(X)/2)+1. Hence, the inner product of X and the i-th shearlet in the time domain can be found at coeffs(floor(size(X,1)/2)+1,floor(size(X,2)/2)+1,i).
X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem)
See also: SLgetShearletSystem2D, SLgetSubsystem2D, SLshearrec2D
def SLsheardec2D(X, shearletSystem): """ Shearlet decomposition of 2D data. Usage: coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem); Input: X: 2D data in time domain. shearletSystem: Structure containg a shearlet system. Such a system can be computed with SLgetShearletSystem2D or SLgetSubsystem2D. Output: coeffs: X x Y x N array of the same size as the shearletSystem["shearlets"] array. coeffs contains all shearlet coefficients, that is all inner products with the given data, of all translates of the shearlets in the specified system. When constructing shearlets with SLgetShearletSystem2D, each shearlet is centered in the time domain at floor(size(X)/2)+1. Hence, the inner product of X and the i-th shearlet in the time domain can be found at coeffs(floor(size(X,1)/2)+1,floor(size(X,2)/2)+1,i). Example: X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem) See also: SLgetShearletSystem2D, SLgetSubsystem2D, SLshearrec2D """ #skipping useGPU stuff... coeffs = np.zeros(shearletSystem["shearlets"].shape, dtype=complex) # get data in frequency domain Xfreq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(X))) # compute shearlet coefficients at each scale # note that pointwise multiplication in the fourier domain equals # convolution in the time-domain for j in range(shearletSystem["nShearlets"]): coeffs[:,:,j] = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift(Xfreq*np.conj(shearletSystem["shearlets"][:,:,j])))) # probably due to rounding errors, the result may have imaginary parts with # small magnitude. if they are small enough, we can ignore them. otherwise # we report an error. if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(coeffs))) < 1e-12: return np.real(coeffs) else: print("Warning: magnitude in imaginary part exceeded 1e-12.") print("Coefficients are probably not real-valued. Largest magnitude: " + str(np.max(np.abs(np.imag(coeffs))))) print("Imaginary part neglected.") return np.real(coeffs)
def SLshearrec2D(
coeffs, shearletSystem)
2D reconstruction of shearlet coefficients.
X = SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem)
coeffs: X x Y x N array of shearlet coefficients. shearletSystem: Structure containing a shearlet system. This should be the same system as the one previously used for decomposition.
X: Reconstructed 2D data.
X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem) Xrec = SLshearrec2D(coeffs,shearletSystem)
See also: SLgetShearlets2D,SLsheardec2D
def SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem): """ 2D reconstruction of shearlet coefficients. Usage: X = SLshearrec2D(coeffs, shearletSystem) Input: coeffs: X x Y x N array of shearlet coefficients. shearletSystem: Structure containing a shearlet system. This should be the same system as the one previously used for decomposition. Output: X: Reconstructed 2D data. Example: X = double(imread('barbara.jpg')) useGPU = 0 shearletSystem = SLgetShearletSystem2D(useGPU,size(X,1),size(X,2),4) coeffs = SLsheardec2D(X,shearletSystem) Xrec = SLshearrec2D(coeffs,shearletSystem) See also: SLgetShearlets2D,SLsheardec2D """ # skipping useGPU stuff... X = np.zeros((coeffs.shape[0], coeffs.shape[1]), dtype=complex) for j in range(shearletSystem["nShearlets"]): X = X + np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(coeffs[:,:,j])))*shearletSystem["shearlets"][:,:,j] X = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifft2(np.fft.ifftshift((np.divide(X,shearletSystem["dualFrameWeights"]))))) # probably due to rounding errors, the result may have imaginary parts with # small magnitude. if they are small enough, we can ignore them. otherwise # we report an error. if np.max(np.abs(np.imag(X))) < 1e-12: return np.real(X) else: print("Warning: magnitude in imaginary part exceeded 1e-12.") print("Data is probably not real-valued. Largest magnitude: " + str(np.max(np.abs(np.imag(X))))) print("Imaginary part neglected.") return np.real(X)